
When I first met Gresson she came across as a friendly person, but she has allowed other people’s opinions to matter more and she prioritized other people before herself which at first I didn’t understand. Later I began to understand why Gresson was the way she was back then. Gresson has been through a lot. 

After Gresson had worked through her blockages, she transformed from a caterpillar into a butterfly. She had gained confidence, she stood in her own power and she trusted herself. Gresson began to show the person who I knew she was all along but was hiding. She began to shine, inspire and move me and others. Wow, what a beautiful pure soul she is! Gresson’s purity has brought the best out in herself and suddenly after an amount of time her energy became like a sunbeam that kept shining. She never allowed others to take that away again. 

Gresson’s book shows what she has accomplished the last year. Every word is written with an energy of self-acceptance from within which will certainly touch and inspire the reader to be yourself with confidence and be proud no matter what happens. Let your light shine and never let it get dimmed by others. 

Gresson, I am so proud of you and happy you have opened up and shared your journey with me!

~Helan Ibrahim~

Mijn project

Sharing my light was one of the books I picked up after my awakening and the only one I haven’t put down yet. It’s everything I have been going through. I am laughing at the synchronicity of it and crying at the connections. It’s beautifully written. It gives me the messages I need to continue my journey to enlightenment. 

The book slowly became a part of my daily meditation routine as the synchronicities set in and the author’s words began to speak to me about my thoughts, emotions and inspiration while reading. Gresson did more than sharing her story, I could feel her warm, beautiful energy through the book. I also felt some pain she had to overcome to get where she is now and that part inspired me. 

~Hailey Rios ~ 

Silhouette  hands connecting  jigsaw puzzle piece against sunrise, Business solutions,  teamwork, partnership, success, goals and strategy concepts.

As soon as I realized that just by asking for what you want, it will manifest for you, but know there are no coincidences, only synchronicities, just like on the day I met Gretchen, the Author of a book. It would my own personal guidebook to understanding who I am. Every word I read managed to speak to me directly giving me my own personal key any door I wish to go.

This my first Spiritual Awakening, I had gone through my “Tower Moment” and the Universe had just swept everything out from under my feet, and painfully gifted me with the ability to have a clean blank slate. I didn’t know that painful seperation was a beautifully handwrapped gift directly handed to me? Had to be a mistake, but no, the Universe doesn’t make mistakes, the universe allows you the opportunity to receive.

This book doesn’t just speak to me personally, but my intuition is telling it speaks to many, as a whole, as a collective, holding the knowledge, the key we need to be successful. The way Gretchen’s writing style has an had the ability to relate to anyone, simply, yet with profound epiphanies everyday. There is a way to bring all you could ever imagine, and so much more through these messages.

Thank you more than I could express with words, Gretchen, and it’s an honor, you’ve given us a true gift. 

~Carolyn Kraus~


Gresson’s message is simple: trusting in your Universal self to overcome adversities is the key to enlightenment. This message is delivered with strength and kindness from a global perspective. 

From the first chapter you feel the passion and selfless sharing from Gresson to pass on her knowledge through candid recounts and reflections of her personal growth.

This an excellent manual, full of useful tools for anyone who’s looking for where to start on their healing journey.

A true source of insight and inspiration from front to back. Timeless wisdom for the reader that will ground you and anyone you share it with.

~Matt Wilson~


This beautiful, thoroughly energetic debut opens and drives you forward with heart. Gresson moves through her personal story of awakening, and healing; which is not always the easiest story to share. Opening you up to her journey, in order to support yours, she fully shares everything. From the feelings of physical change to the way she moves internally to work with the energy of her Inner Child, you hear the full story of what an “awakening transformation” truly is like.

While everyone doesn’t always open up to this truth that we are all on an ascending path, Gresson has shared a blueprint for those that are open to being deeply active in the art of being human. We are all Gresson, in our own ways, and with her story, and through your own work as she has described, you’ll also find a beautiful transformation is available.

We are all the spirit guided butterfly, with the cocoon body. Open up to this vividly honest experience, and you’ll come out of it with a very new perspective on who you are, and where you have been. 

~Barbara Christensen~

This book was written with so much openness and passion, I loved it! No holds barred on this one, it was an easy read and I totally connect with it. 

Iam only halfway through it, but already gaining a lot of beneficial insights into Gressons, story, and how her healing methods and strategies may help myself as well. 

I especially love the exercises that she provides at the end of each chapter, and makes me want to delve into my own experiences, and apply her advice especially around meditation. 

Overall, I highly recommend this book for those who are on a similar path, or wanting to understand someone else’s journey. 

~Anna Leah Luna-Raven~